July 26, 2007
A series of black and white photos from the Western State Hospital grounds in Lakewood.

Initially, I thought of posting all the photos here, but I’ve decided against wheel reinventing. So, here’s the Western State Hospital Slideshow. I made these last weekend on an outing with the Tacoma Flickr group.
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July 20, 2007
Dischord news reveals the release of “Keep Your Eyes Open: The Fugazi Photographs of Glen E Friedman“.
“The 112-page, approx. 9″x11” hardcover book presents the best of Friedman’s unparalleled photographic documentation of Fugazi’s members in almost 200 color and black & white images captured by Friedman onstage and off between 1986 and Fugazi’s last U.S. concert in 2002.
Available for preorder from Dischord Records. Cool.
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July 19, 2007
Filed under: Uncategorized — sparkrobot @ 11:24 am
Maybe I should cut back. Or just go huge.
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July 13, 2007
Friday night, (yes, that’s tonight) The Boss Martians are playing at the Cans grand opening downtown Tacoma, 100 S. 9th Street. You could get lucky. From what I gather, Miller Beer is giving away a Jeep… though I’m fuzzy on those details.

Photo by, well, me.
Rather than try to come up with some fancy to say while I’m supposed to be working, I’m just going to quote Chris here:
Evan, a UPS alum, has been a pal for a long time, and is no doubt the most entertaining fool on stage. These guys are an amazing power-pop band. No openers, and they go on around 10.
I’ll try to be the most entertaining fool with a camera. These guys always put on a good show. If you’re in Tacoma, you should come down and have a can of beer.
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