October 13, 2005

Big Apple Day

Filed under: apple — sparkrobot @ 12:40 am

Apple made some pretty big announcements today with a new video iPod and an updated iMac and iTunes 6.

I installed iTunes 6 this afternoon without too much trouble. Though apple.com was getting slammed at the time, I managed to pull down the app and upgrade from iTunes 5 (didn’t this just come out, like a few weeks ago?). No inconsistent interface surprises here as there were with the jump from 4 to 5. In order to play video from within iTunes however, I had to get Quicktime 7.0.3 from Apple as well. This required a manual download from the web and I found it interesting that it didn’t automatically come down with Software Update. I already had 7.0.2. Seemed un-apple. At least with this release, I didn’t lose my preferences. Thanks Apple. Other than the video and some upgrades to the Music Store, there’s overall not much difference between 5 and 6, so I’m confused on the full 5 to 6 jump instead of a point release.

I’m not really sure I have any use for music videos on an iPod, but I have to admit the addition of television content – available the day after it airs – has real potential for a opening the doors for change in the way digital av content is delivered. Let me rephrase that. It already has changed it.

The New iMac G5 – Built-in camera and remote control.

The New 60 GB iPod. 15,000 songs. 2.5-inch color display. Streaming video. In white or Black! Shop now.

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