Center of the stage
Secret to longevity
Being right up front
I found this scene at a benefit show at the Swiss Pub last Sunday, May 6th. The event was a fundraiser entitled “Fight Fistula!” and was arranged to raise money for education and efforts toward the erradication of Fistula worldwide. While I didn’t happen to catch his name, he was right up front dancing and a big hit with the ladies.
The band on stage is The Fucking Eagles from Tacoma. Though I missed some of the bands, I’ve posted several galleries of bands that performed that evening to Live Rock Photos.
One of the themes for issue JPG magazine’s issue 11 is “Are You Ready to Rock?”. Well, actually yes. Yes I am. I’ve submitted this photograph as my contribution to be considered by the community. If you’ve got a few seconds, head over to JPG magazine site and vote for this photo: Yeah, It Rocks! if you please. Registration is required to vote, but I promise you, with only 5 fields, the signup form isn’t all that intimidating. Thanks in advance for your support.
More information about Fistula
Obstetric fistula is a devastating childbirth injury caused by days of unrelieved obstructed labor that can easily be avoided through Caesarian section delivery – an option often unavailable to women in developing and third-world countries. In as high as 90 percent of fistula cases, the baby dies and the woman is left with chronic incontinence.
Sufferers are often cast out by their husbands and families and are frequently ostracized by their communities. Without treatment, fistula can lead to infections, kidney disease and death. Currently, two million women suffer from obstetric fistula.
More information about Fistula can be found on the web at the Fistula Foundation website.
Hi there.
This is a great photograph and I hope you had a great time at the Fight Fistula benefit. The event was organized by our amazing volunteer, Aurora Jewell.
It is wonderful that you are spreading the word about obstetric fistula and ways that people can get involved in helping to end such a devastating (and preventable) injury.
I am the Program Director at One By One, the nonprofit behind the “Fight Fistula” Benefit. I wanted to be sure that your readers had a chance to learn more about One By One’s work treating and preventing fistula worldwide. To learn m ore about fistula, the women it affects and the ways you can get involved, visit One By One online at
Thank you!
Comment by Shaleece — August 20, 2007 @ 4:46 pm
No problem. It was a very successful event.
Comment by sparkrobot — August 20, 2007 @ 4:53 pm