I witnessed the psychedelic sonic assault from Voyager One and visuals by Projectorhead on Saturday night. Awesome, underlined.
Voyager One
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Album covers inspired by Blue Note Records.
This is the one day that all of the independently owned record stores come together with artists to celebrate the art of music. Special vinyl and CD releases and various promotional products are made exclusively for the day and hundreds of artists in the United States and in various countries across the globe make special appearances and performances.
Motley Crue occupies a peculiar space in the media landscape: Despite selling over fifty million albums, at least three members of the band are more famous on their own than all of the songs they’ve recorded as a group. It’s hard to imagine another band who could publish three bestselling books about themselves without really mentioning their music at all.
I witnessed the psychedelic sonic assault from Voyager One and visuals by Projectorhead on Saturday night. Awesome, underlined.
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Dude, your pictures are getting more amazing with every show. Really cool.
Comment by Tim — October 21, 2008 @ 1:02 am